Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Game Design Link Dump

Not quite done with the link dumps for today (I guess this is what happens when I let them build up over time). Here are some lovely links to interesting game design tidbits:
The next few are all from Raph Koster's blog. I've been reading a lot of his posts lately and finding his writing to be very insightful. Or maybe he and I have a similar set of interests... In any event, in the future, I'll try to post links to Raph's writing only when I have a full reaction to log (and not just a "wow, cool"). This should keep me from posting a link to everything.

Creative Process

As an artist, I enjoy looking into the processes and spaces that other artists work out for themselves. Here are a couple of articles in that vein that I've enjoyed recently:
Update: Here's another one from EDGE...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Link Dump

Here's some links with minimal commentary:

Process Intensity

A concept that I've been trying to understand lately is process intensity. Here's a few links (mostly for my own reference):
I should have something intelligent to say about this soon.

Friday, January 05, 2007

The Importance of Movement

Recently, a couple of articles reminded me of one key part of virtual character development: movement. Whether it's the creator of the furby miming the movement of a dinosaur or Savion Glover dancing in a mo-cap suit, the motions that are injected into each character serve to create those moments that we, as viewers (or players or interactors) recognize as true.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


These are too cool!

Creative Link Dump

Here's some more links relating to creating great experiences:

Link Dump

Here's a pile of random links from the last few weeks.